Monday, March 30, 2009

Roger Gracie is dynamic

No class today.

It's important to be dynamic in BJJ. Check out this interview Roger Gracie did with Gracie Magazine. His answers make me think about how I can change up my game. Roger, Is pulling guard your first choice in a fight?

ROGER GRACIE: The option of pulling guard depends on the fight, it varies according to the strategy laid out. What's your favorite style of guard (spider, half, open, closed)?

ROGER: To tell you the truth I don't have a preferred style of guard, I think if you limit yourself to one style your adversaries will quickly find a way to dominate you. From the guard, what's your favorite attack?

ROGER: My favorite attack is whichever one my opponent offers me. Any attack at the right moment will always be the ideal attack and not the one you go looking for the whole time making it obvious and allowing your opponent to prevent it. What makes a great guard?

ROGER: A great guard is one that makes your adversary uncomfortable the whole time, not letting him adjust himself and not giving him room to pass your guard. Do you have any secret or detail that makes your guard special?

ROGER: There's no secret to my guard, for anyone wanting to have an effective guard the secret is called training and not getting stuck in any specific style. The more variations you have the better your chances of surprising your adversary. Who taught you the guard and how did you perfect it?

ROGER: The one to teach me most was training, the more you train the more mistakes that become apparent, thus making it easier to work on them. Your best teacher will always be you. Of course no one learns by himself. If it weren't for my teachers I'd never have made it to where I am, but everything you learn has to be adapted to your body type. A single position can be performed in several different ways. Who has the best guard you've ever seen?

ROGER: The best guard I've seen was Roleta's. He's super flexible and has really strong legs. Who's given your guard the hardest time?

ROGER: I don't think any one person gave me a harder time than any other. I've had several fights where I found myself in complicated positions but with a bit of time and concentration I recovered bit by bit. Do you feel comfortable when under pressure from someone trying to pass your guard?

ROGER: Whenever someone is on top that person is trying to pass your guard. There will always be pressure from them, the important think is to never let anyone get comfortable and control you to the point where it's too late to prevent him from passing. Always maintain a position that works in your favor.

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